NoisyVision wants to spread the knowledge of sensory disability, including low vision and hearing loss, and the genetic conditions they identify (e.g.: Retinitis Pigmentosa, Usher Syndrome, Stargardt Syndrome). We are ALL unique and unrepeatable people, and diversity of perception is a value for the whole community. For this reason we promote a PROACTIVE APPROACH to the limits, we support the well-being of partially sighted and hard of hearing people, involving the community in initiatives aimed at supporting a change in cultural paradigm with which we look at disability.
We build training, recreational and meeting OPPORTUNITIES strictly open to all and designed to be INCLUSIVE and accessible to the sensory disabled. Our excursions, paths and sailing itineraries are first of all moments of fun and personal and collective GROWTH.
NATURE is our privileged context of action and sharing.
YELLOW, color more easily perceived by the visually impaired, vital and energetic, is the key color of the #YellowTheWorld campaign that connects our projects and with which we act for a wider accessibility of environments and services to people with sensory disabilities.
- We are committed to building a network of people that fosters the sharing of life stories, experiences, skills and talents.
- We help people with disabilities to become aware of their limitations and find valid growth opportunities, both individual and collective.
- We create opportunities for meeting between people, also of different nationalities: building projects aimed at promoting and carrying out trips and socialization and exchange activities around the world.
- We plan actions to improve accessibility to environments and services; What improves the lives of a few can be valid for everyone.
- We think that art, visual or verbal, is an important communication tool for people with perceptive limits, that can connect them both to those facing the same challenges and to those who do not does. We produce videos, publish prose, promote visual arts and artistic events.
Travelling: We work to organize different kinds of trips, from mountain trekking to city weekends. We want to encourage people to live their own adventures and enjoy the world even through their limits.
Accessibility: We promote a culture of accessibility in urban and non-urban spaces. We aim at increasing the mobility potential of people with visual impairments.
Art: We understand and stress the relevance of visual and verbal arts as a communication tool for people with sensory limitations, connecting them to those who face similar challenges and those who do not. We produce movies, publish prose, promote visual art and artistic events.
Information: We constantly collect stories and news related to visual and hearing impairment, covering these topics in social, scientific and institutional perspectives.
Completed projects
The Visionary Europe (2013). A workshop organized under the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission.
#YellowTheWorld (2014). An awareness campaign initiated by NoisyVision, in order to promote the mobility of the visually impaired. Place and year of birth: Helsinki 2014
#YellowTheWorld, Everest Edition (2015). Dario Sorgato reached Everest Base Camp in order to flood the world with yellow starting from its highest point.
The gods like it yellow (2016) An adventure for the Visually Impaired. A walk in the nature along the Way of the Gods, an ancient road used by the Etruscans, Romans and even during the Middle Ages, which connects Bologna to Florence. 7 walking days for a group of visually or hearing impaired and other people without sensory limitations. A mutual exchange of support and different ways of perceiving.
Blind Images. Photographers without sight. Polytechnic University of Milan meets Usher Syndrome (2017). Three stories, three people, three cities for a common denominator: Usher Syndrome. Telling it and photographing it can become art and poetry.
#YellowReykjavik (2017). NoisyVision, in collaboration with Blindrafelagid, an organization for visually impaired Icelanders, organized and conducted a workshop in Reykjavik, at the end of June 2017. A group of boys and girls from the different countries of Scandinavia gathered in the Icelandic capital to explore the themes of visual accessibility of external and internal urban environments.
#vEyes4YellowTheWorld (2017). A visually impaired and blind person towards the central craters of the Etna volcano.
La Goccia di San Michele per #YellowTheWorld (2017). Non-competitive town march to support the awareness campaign promoted by NoisyVision.
#YellowTheWorld – An inclusive tandem ride (2018)
In Montagna Siamo Tutti Uguali (2018) In May and September, in collaboration with Appennino Slow, NoisyVision has revived the trek along the Via degli Dei.
Il Cuore Giallo dei Bambini (2018). Meetings with elementary and high school children
Notte Gialla Rock, Modena (2018) .NoisyVision participates in the great Modena event in memory of the 2017 Vasco Rossi concert, with an all-yellow flashmob.
#Victor4RP. Marathon for Retinits Pigmentosa (2018). In conjunction with Victor’s training for the Munich Marathon on October 14th, NoisyVision promoted a fundraiser online to support research for Retinitis Pigmentosa.
Un weekend ad occhi chiusi, da Roppolo a Pratolino. (2018). Sensory walks for sighted and visually impaired, to discover nature with other eyes.
In Berlino with la Girobussola (2018). The collaboration with La Girobussola for the first trip organized together.
Communicating Usher Syndrome: NoisyVision and vEyes meet Scuola Holden (2018)
Touch Berlin. A tour with a blind (2019). Airbnb Social Impact Experience to support NoisyVision
Even the donkeys like yellow (2019). 70 kilometers in 4 days along the transhumance way with donkeys, from the Pisan countryside, through the hills, to the sea. A journey on foot, accessible and inclusive for blind, visually impaired, sighted people.
Passi Gialli (Yellow Steps) (2019). Starting from the great love for nature, from the experiences of NoisyVision, Nadia Luppi, visually impaired and expert in inclusion of visual impairment, and Cristina Mori, ecopsychologist and environmental guide hiker of the Centofiori Farm, have prepared three walking itineraries to be enjoyed in company and with all the sensory channels opened.
Festival Sportivamente “Beyond the barriers, together we can” “Stronger than the dark” (2019). NoisyVision is a partner in the organization and realization of this inclusive sport festival born in Sassuolo (MO) and aimed at citizens with particular attention to schools and sports clubs in the area that deal with sport and disability, which promotes sport as a means of well-being and the social inclusion of people with disabilities and as a way to discover that “Beyond the Barriers … Together we can!”. In particular, Run 5.30 “YellowEdition” is dedicated to #YellowtheWorld.
The Way of Oropa, with other eyes (2019). Organized by the Cade del Movimento Lento, this path is part of the initiatives of an accessible path in the name of #YellowtheWorld
In the Mountains We Are All Equal III and IV (2019) In May and September in collaboration with the Appennino Slow, NoisyVision has revived the trek along the Via degli Dei.
At school of #YellowTheWorld with the yellow magician (2019) Laboratory on diversity with 200 children of the primary school of Volparo (Padua)
Neptune Likes it Yellow (2019) #YellowTheWorld goes by sea aboard Adriatica, the boat of Velisti per Caso, from Naples to the Elba Island.
Equinox of the senses (2019) with NoisyVision the Oasis of Manzolino is a sensory journey.
The Donkeys Like it Yellow II (2019) second edition of the journey from Cascina (PI) to Rosignano (LI) with Pippa and Lulu ‘, two donkeys.
Passi Gialli (Yellow Steps), Bologna edition (2019) after the success of the past spring edition of the project in Modena, they take up the Yellow Steps, the sensory excursions in nature in a new dimension.
I Gialli in Torino (2019) weekend of guided tours and sensory experiences
Knowing and exploring low vision through theatrical narration and sensory experiences (2019). Mallincomic work of I Bartolini Theater and guided tours inside the Palenontoligico Museum of Montevarchi.
YellowTheFuture 2019: second gathering of NoisyVision (2019)
Yellow Happy Hour (2020) – Facebook Live with Guests
Trekking for all (2020) – Live Facebook broadcasts in collaboration with FreeWheels Onlus on the theme of the Trekking for All, addressed from various angles.
Inclusive Trekking. Via degli Dei, Costa degli Etruschi, Foreste Casentinesi (2020)
Global Usher Syndrome Awareness Day (2020) – Voice of Usher Syndrome
World Sight Day (2020) – Virtual reading relay
Color InSight (2020) – Live broadcast + podcast
Music is invisible to the eyei (2021) – Blind and visually impaired musicians to talk about low vision during the month of February.
Progetto51 for #YellowTheWorld (2021) – Creativity inspired by yellow – Promotion campaign on Instagram.
In Montagna Siamo Tutti Uguali (2021) – There jikes in cooperation with Appennino Slow.
Weekend between History and Senses in Riolo Terme and surroundings. (2021) – Parks and museums in the AmaParco circuit increasingly ‘for everyone’ An important path towards inclusion and environmental and social sustainability
Anche a Nettuno Piace Giallo (2021) – Second edition of the project by sea. From Imperia to the Costa Azzurra aboard Estrella del Mar and Fidelia, the boats of the Handarpermare association
Cammino di Oropa (2021) – From Santhia to the Sanctuary of Oropa on foot
New Year begins on the Mountains (2022) – Snowshoes, walks, chocolate and lottery!
Salento a passo lento, edizione inclusiva (2022) -Hiking in Salento
Cammino dei Briganti, edizione inclusiva (2022) – Journey on foot in a loop between Abruzzo and Lazio
Cammino sulla Via Francigena (2022) – Journey on foot from Siena to Bolsena
Onde Gialle (2022) – Weekend on a sailing boat in Rimini
Anche a Nettuno Piace Giallo 3 (2022) – Week on a sailing boat, from the Island of Elba to Corsica
Via degli Dei (2022) – Hiking from Bologna to Florence
Non è tutto Rosa e Margherita. E’ anche Giallo. (2022). Two sensory disabled people tried to reach the Margherita hut, the highest refuge in Europe, on the Gnifetti tip of the Monte Rosa massif at 4554 meters!
Dreams, Sand and Mirages. (2022). Hiking in the Sahara Desert in Morocco
Cammino Ibleo. (2023) – Hiking from Modica to Palazzolo Acreide on the Iblei Mountains, Sicily
Inclusione a Colori. (2023) – Activities with elementary school children.
Cammino di Oropa Orientale Inclusivo (2023) – Journey on foot from Vallemosso to Oropa passing through the Sanctuary of San Giovanni d’Adorno.
Briganti e Inclusivi (2023) – Inclusive traveling event with visual and motor disabilities, children, young people with Down’s Syndrome, cancer patients, along the Path of the Brigands.
Via degli Dei (2023) – Walking trip from Bologna to Florence
Anche a Leo Piace Giallo (2023) – First Inclusive Hike for Teenager. Walking trip from Lecco to Milan along Leonardo’s Path.
Via Francigena da Viterbo a Roma (2023) – Walking trip as part of the project In the Mountains We Are All the Equals
Camminare Oltre (2023) -In collaboration with Free Wheels for a series of accessible excursions.
Cammino in Sardegna (2023) – From Castiadas to Villasimius
Con Timberland al Parco delle Gole della Breggia (2023) – Activities in collaboration with Timberland as part of the Path Of Service corporate volunteering project.
20 Salone Internazionale Svizzero delle Vacanze (2023) – NoisyVision is the only association present as an exhibitor at the travellers’ fair. with two talks in the cultural program schedule.
Fa’ La Cosa Giusta – Umbria (2023) – NoisyVision again among the exhibitors of the central Italian edition of the important fair on critical consumption and sustainable lifestyles.
(Since we are registered in Italy all these documents are in Italian)
Modulo di Richiesta Rimborso Spese
Modulo di Richiesta Ricevuta
2019.04.10 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
Bilancio consuntivo 2019
Bilancio consuntivo 2019 (Modello Regione Veneto)
Relazione sulla gestione delle attività
2020.04.22 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
2020.05.13_Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
2020.12.13_Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
Bilancio Consuntivo 2020
Relazione sulla gestione delle attività
Modello L124 – Pubblicazione delle entrate pubbliche degli Enti del Terzo Settore
2021.03.31 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
2021.11.18 Verbale Assemblea Straordinaria
2021.11.18 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
Bilancio consuntivo 2021
2022.03.02 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
2022,11,04 Verbale Assembela Ordinaria
2022.12.29 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
Bilancio Consuntivo 2022
2023.07.13 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
2023.12.07 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
Bilancio Consuntivo 2023
2024,06,27 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria
2024,12,12 Verbale Assemblea Ordinaria