is online!


Five years after the birth of NoisyVision it was time to modernize the site, to catch up with the times.
As promised during the crowdfunding campaign before leaving for the expedition to Everest Base Camp, we invested the funds to create the new site.
The previous website was not responsive. Noisyvision.cpm (did not fit the visualization on smartphones and tablets) and had other technical limitations.
At the same time we decided to revisit the graphics, the brand image, but also the strategy of the project and the features of the new site.

NoisyVision thanks Brrrands for the great work and support both emotionally and technically.

  1. Strategy
    NoisyVision needed a renovation. We had to figure out exactly what direction to take and on which objectives to focus.
    Now NoisyVision has a more precise mission. NoisyVision has clear objectives and specific areas of intervention.
    We will be open to many ideas. Share them with us!

2. .Com Vs .Org
The new site has .org domain, which stands for organization. The purposes of NoisyVision are those of a social organization and are not a commercial enterprise.

3. Logo
The previous logo was not exactly a logo, rather a gesture. It was very complex and not clear when used in small size. If you want it was also not very accessible because it had very thin lines.
The new logo was created out of the symbol of low vision and contains both the N V.
The new symbol will be a recognizable brand.

We also have a new payoff: we don’t see … the problem. Irony has always characterized NoisyVision and it is used to communicate in a very straight forward way that even though we do not see … what’s the problem? We can do many things and perhaps, due to our limitations, even bigger ones.

4. The graphics
New colors, all yellow and black (however you can change the display options from the menu at the top right), extra large fonts and simple images.

All the social platforms have the same look and the eye stylized and humanized is repeated in different shapes and animations. It’s like a transforming mascot and will help us to look beyond the limits.

5. New features, more interaction
In the new site visitors will be able to interact much more. It will be possible to register via social media, in a couple clicks. It will be possible to post comments but also submit articles, news, etc.
In this way, we hope to expand the team NoisyVision and receive contributions increase our network.

6, #YellowTheWorld
Following the launch of the campaign #YellowTheWorld we decided to make more immediate and easier to share positive and negative experiences on the accessibility of the places.
It will be possible to add new places yellow in the map on the site.
We hope to yellow it quickly.

7. Shop
Our shop is full of products that reflect the logo of NoisyVision. They serve to communicate our message and support our projects.

8. Donate
Making a donation is easy and immediate. NoisyVision is not currently self-sustaining and the work you see is the result of the individual resources of the team members, in terms of both time and money.
Your contribution will help us continue to see beyond the limits.

We invite you to explore the site, and have fun in yellow, or change the settings to experience the site in other colors (it might be easier on your eyes!).

We hope this is an accessible website which is informative and inspirational while being lots of fun at the same time!
Let us know what you think.

Enjoy surfing!

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