I am almost ready to go. Everest…. I am coming!


This initiative is supported by Retina Italia ONLUS

Just a few days before I go.
Whtat? you still have not heard? I go to the Himalayas, to the Everest Base Camp.

By now everyone knows that. It since a few weeks that I post on the internet videos and articles to promote this initiative.
To give a loud voice to the campaign #yellowtheworld I decided to do something that will take me beyond my limits.
I have Usher Syndrome, so I am visually impaired and hearing impaired. The sensory limitations are a deterrent to many activities and daily actions.
This video explains one of the limitations, the reduction of the visual field, which in my case is now about 5% of that of a person not suffering from Retinitis Pigmentosa.

Night vision and hearing impairment are other components of this rare disease.

Yet I will not stop me behind my limits and to date I did not want that the disease was a reason not to choose where to go and what to do.
Donato Di Pierro wrote an article for MountainBlog telling some of my past adventures.

The conquest of Everest is the next.

With the contribution of crowdfunding and some sponsors this expedition will be the launching pad to give Noisyvision a strong voice and allow the realization of future projects.


To date, The Visionary Europe is the most important project, in collaboration with PRO RETINA Deutschland e. V. and the funding of the European Union.

The expedition to the Himalayas is supported by Retina Italy Onlus. This might help to spread the Noisyvision message as widely as possible.

The limits can become our strength and if we try to overcome them we might get to unthinkable destinations.

If only one of you will be inspired by this walk, I will not have dedicated all these resources and energy only to myself.
The preparation of such an adventure requires much effort, in several respects.

It will be an expensive trip, especially if the costs relate to the time of the trip (3 weeks). However, it is an investment in the future, mine and the one of Noisyvision. Consequently, the future of many other, visually impaired and not only.

In fact the purpose of Noisyvision is not to promote the care and scientific research. The hope that one day you can cure Usher Syndrome, of course, is shared, but in my opinion is important to try to live in the best way we can our life today, just as it is, with the limitations that we have.
In the next few days or weeks I will try to tell what is involved in the preparation of such a journey, and all I had to do before leaving.

What will put in the backpack? How am I going to move at night in Kathmandu? How will I find the bathroom in the nights in the mountains? And if I get hurt at 5000 meters? And if …

I tried to evaluate many aspects, obviously something I have missed. Because I’ve never been to Nepal and do not know the people, places, ways, …
All this excites me, but I’m not worried. I know that I will find a solution and I am also ready to defeat.

Rise above 3000 meters means achieving environmental conditions not usual and I do not know how my body will react.

I am ready to give up, if I had to understand that I am in danger. To recognize our limits is part of the way to see which ones can be overcome and which, instead, must be accepted.
Then get up and seek other roads.
Anyway, I’m determined and I will do everything to get where I want.
When I’m up there, my thoughts will be for all those who in these days have shared my preparation and participated in a different ways.

I invite you to put your “Like” on the Facebook page of Noisyvision to follow updates from Nepal.

This initiative is sponsored by

Watch the video for sponsors.



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If you want to contribute to the future plans of Noisyvision can do it with a donation of any value on the site of crowdfunding

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