Off I go!


Off I go!
All is set.
Heart is big.
Mind is blowing.

‪#‎yellowtheworld‬ – Everest Edition starts today.
I am excited like a mouse in a factory of cheese.
I go because I want to go, but also for us, no matter how we see or hear.
For all our limits, whichever they are.
I am ready and prepared. For the good and the bad.
Any adventure is a discovery.
And I don´t know what I will find.
But whatever I find… I will tell you.

Thank you to all of you and for the support so far.
Thank you to the donors.
The crowdfunding does not stop here.

Thank you Retina Italia Onlus for supporting the campaign and the initiative.

Thank you ItrekNepalThe preparation part was already done in a wonderful and detailed way. This makes me feel very comfortable already.

Thank you to all the sponsors.
Macelleria Zanella
Ristorante Da Andreetta – Terrazza di Rolle
Spazio U.Nic -officina creativa-
Giardinoin di Miotto Dario
Nu Bureau
Tucano Urbano – Official Page
Mountain Blog

See you in Nepal!


This initiative is sponsored by

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