The Gods like it Yellow. The story goes on.



Did yo hear about The Gods like it Yellow ?
We launched the event with this post
And here you can read the detailed description of the project

There are still three months to go, but we want to keep informed NoisyVision readers because this event is not only an adventure for the visually impaired . It is a continuation of #YellowTheWorld campaign.

Following the deadline of the online entries, we selected the lucky participants.
The group will be very heterogeneous . Among participants, videomakers , CAI guides and organizers will be at least 16, coming from Iceland , Ireland, Netherlands , Finland, Germany , Spain and Italy .
Over the past few weeks we were able to work on getting sponsorships support.
Retina Italia Onlus, Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti, Special Needs World Network, CAI Club Alpino Italiano – sezione di Bologna, Comune di FirenzeComune di Monzuno,  Comune di San Benedetto Val di Sambro, Comune di Fiesole are the associations and institutions supporting us.
Fonda Lowvision will provide to all participants protective filters.
Lowa Italia will offer gadgets and three pair of shoes which will be donated to three of the participants.
The accommodations offered their support in different ways but mosstly they will be attentive in the way they will welcome us so we will all feel at ease.

Here are the locations and dates

Friday 20/05/2016 , Bologna, Albergo il Pallone
Saturday 21/05/2016
Official departure from Piazza Maggiore, in Bologna, in the early afternoon
Sunday 22/05/2016, Sasso Marconi, B&B Sulla via degli Dei
Monday 23/05/2016, Monzuno, Rifugio del Viandante, lunch at Vecchia Trattoria di Monte Adone
Tuesday 24/05/2016, Madonna dei Fornelli, Albergo Poli
Wednesday 25/05/2016, Passo della Futa, Albergo Gualtieri
Thursday 26/05/2016 ,San Piero a Sieve, Albergo La Felicina
Friday 27/05/2016, Bivigliano, Convento di Montesenario
Saturday 28/05/2016, Firenze, final event at CIRCOLO RICREATIVO E CULTURALE “GINO BARAGLI” UICI Sezione provinciale di Firenze

We invite you to follow the updates from NoisyVision Facebook page. Here we will post in real time the divine stories that will be told over the Appennini.

The Crowdfunding to support this and future projects of NoisyVision is still open .This event is the proof that we want to do great things. And we do them.

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