Yellow is the Color of The Year 2021. Better yet, Yellow + Gray

Since 2000, the Pantone Color Institute has chosen the “Color of The Year” every year. Having become a real pop culture phenomenon, the announcement of the color of the year by the Pantone Color Institute attracts the attention of the world design landscape every year and tries to convey an iconic message to billions of color addicts.

Yellow, the color of inclusion.

We have been hearing about yellow for some time. You see yellow everywhere. In this la Repubblica article it was highlighted, in the last lines, how yellow could be the color of the future, despite the somewhat uncertain, not to say negative, past.

Neptune Likes it Yellow

From August 24th to 31st 2019 aboard Adriatica, the boat of Velisti per Caso, an integrated crew of visually impaired, blind and normal sighted people sail the Tyrrhenian from Naples to the Island of Elba.