The consequences of #YellowTheWorld


Exactly one year ago the #YellowReykjavik workshop began
Summer solstice is a good reminder, as it translates into midnight sun in Iceland: the dream of many visually impaired people with limited night vision.

The reason why we write about that project is not to celebrate the anniversary, if anything, success and consequences.

Blindrafelagid, the  Icelandic Association of the Visually Impaired (BIAVI) has developed a brochure on accessibility in collaboration with the Organization for the Disabled in Iceland (OBI). This booklet was created for an open forum (conference) in which the goal was universal design (with accessibility). This material is all in Icelandic, but maybe the photos (and maybe a little bit Google Translator) could give you an idea of ​​what the goal was. Indicating the obvious things that can be done better and the lack of real universal standards for many elements in our urban environment.

This is an excellent example of “step two” in this project, in which the researching engineering company will produce a document on suggestions for things to do better.

Thanks Blindrafelagid. Thanks Iceland. Thanks Reykjavik.
All this is the concrete and real demonstration of all the deeper meaning of #YellowTheWorld.
Awareness, fun, work, action, realization.

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