is dead!


After more than five years of service is dead!

Now the visitors of or one of the posts that were related to that URL will be redirected to this website, with org domain.

It was a website with the flavor of a homemade cake, but had technical and graphic limitations. It was time for a new wave of yellow.

We will miss the thin red line that drew a human figure that looks inside the tube of a semi-open fist of his right hand and extending the ear with his left hand.
It was a way to tell with an icon what is Usher Syndrome.

But he will be back, with  his tribal gesture.

In these years we have received around 120,000 visitors, with an average of 70 per day. Surely not the figures of a national newspaper that reaches these numbers in one day, but for such a niche blog they are still showing that we published some interesting content.

The goal is to significantly increase the visits, with a constantly updated and increased Social Media activity.

The flag counter shows that the majority of visitors reached so far are Italian. Although the site is in two languages, Google recognizes when a text is written in the mother tongue or not. In short you need to write in good English to be ranked high in the search results.

However we managed to reach readers in New Zealand and Taiwan and received at least one visitor from all the nations of the world.

If you wish to contribute to the translation or correction, contact us

We hope that our content is served to raise awareness on the Usher Syndrome and sight diseases, but above all to offer a new look on the world of the visually impaired.

We received positive feedback on the new website also completely blind people,  so this site seems to be cool but also accessible.

This helps to spread and reach our mission.

Noisyvision’s mission is building a network of people who want to share their skills, resources, stories and experiences to improve the life of people with visual and/or hearing impairments, and to let others better understand them.


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