NoisyVision is ambassador for DiseaseMaps


In this post a few months ago we wanted to stretch the importance to participate in the DiseaseMaps project, emphasizing its mission

We connect people who are suffering from different conditions to help them finding things to make their lives better

Today we are proud to annouce we are ambassador for Usher Syndrome on the DiseaseMap

In other words we will give concrete support to the project, helping in the dissemination of the maps, in particular those of the Usher Syndrome and Retinitis Pigmentosa.

The idea to pinpoint yourself on the planet so that we can draw statistics is useful in many aspects, besides the fact that everyone can contact their “neighbors” with the same disease and therefore facilitates an exchange that goes from virtual to real. This is an aspect that in the case of degenerative diseases is very important.

Also everyone can provide their advices so that you can just click “Advice” under each map menu to get a complete list of suggestions made by others with the same disease.

Please take a look at the advices collected for Usher Syndrome!

We are also listed under
Blogs, websites and groups of Usher Syndrome

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