Neptune Likes it Yellow – Press Release


#YellowTheWorld goes by sea

From August 24th to 31st 2019 aboard Adriatica, the boat of Velisti per Caso, an integrated crew of visually impaired, blind and normal sighted people will sail the Tyrrhenian from Naples to the Island of Elba. “Neptune likes it yellow”, is a project launched by NoisyVision ONLUS and is part of the #YellowTheWorld campaign, aimed at raising awareness of the community on the issues of accessibility and social inclusion understood as the demolition and overcoming of sensory  and cultural barriers. The key color is Yellow, a tone that is clearly visible to the visually impaired and the most creative and dynamic energy tint.

A sailing holiday with disabled people? Perhaps, but the project “Neptune Likes it Yellow”, the inclusive journey proposed by NoisyVision ONLUS, the active association on the sensory disability front that has already brought integrated groups of sighted, blind people and visually impaired both from Bologna to Florence along the via degli Dei and on the ancient transhumance route in Tuscany in the company of two donkeys and which involves different communities and territories in inclusive and awareness-raising events and proposals. This will not be just a holiday – the Association says – but it will be an unforgettable experience in which we will all nourish ourselves with beauty and our diversity, and from which we will come back richer than ever”.
To spend seven days on a sailboat; share unusual times and rhythms, reduced spaces very different from those of everyday life. Admire and share unknown landscapes and horizons with all your senses, listen to sounds and silences that are rarely part of our days. Taking care of each other by cooking, cleaning, supporting the captain in the conduct of the boat and giving their best to ensure that everything works and the journey is pleasant for oneself, for others, for the group. Leaving safe havens and your own routine, discovering another way of living time and travel, doing it together, each with their own needs, their own peculiarities; get to know each other, meet each other, help each other; coping together with possible unforeseen events and sharing peace and joy of slow navigation.
On this special trip along the Tyrrhenian coast an exceptional crew: two blind, six visually impaired and three sighted, coming from different parts of Italy, headed by skipper Bruno Morelli.
“We are certainly not the first visually impaired people who are sailing, but we are proud because this will be a wonderful opportunity to experience such a long journey in terms of duration for those of us who have no experience in this field but feel like me the call of waves and wind – says the president of NoisyVision ONLUS Dario Sorgato, creator of the project and of the #Yellowtheworld campaign in which it fits.
“With our paths, events and inclusive projects we carry out the #Yellowtheworld campaign – says Sorgato – to talk about accessibility of urban spaces and services in terms of removing sensorial and physical barriers but above all to show that with creative spirit it is possible to go beyond what we believe to be our limits, discovering that diversity and disability can – thanks to the right strategies – become a resource, a richness, an opportunity to discover more, for oneself but also for others and for the whole community ”.

The program of the  yellow sailing of Noisyvision is rich, and will alternate days of navigation with public events aimed at including local communities:

Saturday, August 24 at 11 am, (c/o Lega Navale Napoli, Naples: press conference dedicated to the initiative and organized thanks to the precious collaboration of the ANPVI, Napoli;
Monday 26 August 6.30pm, Ventotene in Piazza Castello: presentation of the project to the local community and to the visitors present;
–  Thursday, August 29, Porto Santo Stefano, Bar Giulia 7.00 pm, press conference and aperitif
Saturday, August 31 at 7 pm, Elba, Porto Azzurro, Sassi Turchini : welcoming party for the crew at the end of the trip.

“Neptune Likes it” has obtained the patronage of important trade associations

A broad network of collaborations is needed to carry out ambitious projects. From Noisyvision ONLUS, thanks to all the organizations that support this project:

Italian Naval League – National Presidency
The Italian Naval League gathers in the Association citizens who voluntarily work to spread to the Italian people, especially among young people, the love for the sea and the knowledge of maritime problems, developing promotional, cultural, sporting, environmental and naturalistic initiatives suitable for achieving of the statutory purposes.

Associazione Disabili Visivi Onlus
established in 1970 to bring together blind radio amateurs, today it is a national, non-profit association for the social and cultural promotion of the blind and visually impaired. It has extended its activities to all the technological sectors that lend themselves to increasing the autonomy and social integration of Italian visually impaired people.

Handarpermare Onlus
was born at the beginning of 2004 on the initiative of a small group of friends from Imperia, who shared two uncommon characteristics: a remarkable personal sensitivity towards physical and mental distress and the great passion for the sea and sailing.

vEyes Onlus
vEyes aims to create technological aids for children with visual disabilities, to be released for free and to study, from the clinical and genetic point of view, the hereditary degenerative retinal dystrophies, with particular reference to retinitis pigmentosa, to manage in a non-profit way both free social activities (psychological support for children suffering from these diseases and their families, eye care advice, training) as well as the scientific ones carried out which, in the meantime, have extended towards assistive technologies in general, towards the creation of tools of support for medical, biomedical, bioinformatic and genetic researches, with particular attention to degenerative diseases, which lead as a primary consequence to a serious loss of visus, up to total blindness. In addition, it deals with prevention, always in the field of vision diseases, in favor of children who are affected.

A.N.P.V.I. – Naz.le Privi della Vista ed Ipovedenti
The A.N.P.V.I. is an association set up in a moral body with Presidential Decree No. 126 dated 13 February 1981 to which blind, visually impaired people and all citizens who share the aims can join: they carry out many activities of protection, representation and social promotion in favor of the deprived of sight and the visually impaired, taking care of welfare, social security, job placement, education and finding new job opportunities.

Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired – ONLUS-APS Provincial Section of Naples
The Italian Union of the Blind and the Visually Impaired ONLUS, in the abbreviation UICI, is a moral body with legal personality under private law, to which the law and the statute entrust the representation and protection of the moral and material interests of the blind and visually impaired in against the public administration.

Associazione Volontari Gruppo Elba
Association that deals with proposing summer holidays for disabled people and organizes meetings every week with activities of all kinds, while every month it organizes trips to different locations.

Sassi Turchini
Sassi Turchini is an accommodation facility dedicated to social tourism. A fixed point for those in search of a fully accessible vacation and believes in the possibility of transforming differences into resources.

BanksSails that will give us a stay with the logo of the event and our hashtag #YellowTheWorld
ICEP S.p.A. – Industria Cementi Prefabbricati with a donationthat will allow cities to cover the costs of T-shirts and will lighten the costs borne by the participants.
Pasta Di Martino witha  donation of Pasta for the entire journey

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