NoisyVision is participating to ACCESSIBLE TOURISM AWARD


Diritti Diretti, an Italian NGO, organizes the national award “ACCESSIBLE TOURISM – Journalists, communicators and advertisers overcome barriers” to share the good practices on accessibility that already exist in Italy and that have become the founder of the concepts of attractiveness, innovation, aesthetics and sustainability.

With this initiative, Direct Rights would like to show the public (tourism entrepreneurs, citizens, tourists, media and public administrators) how inclusive design is not an expensive operation and how it can increase the number of visitors by promoting economic, tourist and cultural development and social.

NoisyVision won the Jury Award of 2018 edition with the #YellowTheWorld project, and with particular reference to The Gods Like it Yellow project.

This year we decided to reapply, trying to get the Audience Award, which in addition to the reward also includes an economic recognition.

it will be a race to the last vote. And we would like to win this award because it would be a great recognition for our work. Beyond the 1000 Euros the award receveid the patronage of the Chamber of Deputies, the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Abruzzo Region.

It would be  a great recognition that NoisyVision has great value for people with sensory disabilities and without disabilities. A recognition for the meaning that the yellow leads to social and tourist inclusion and in particular for the project The Donklesy Like it Yellow, which in fact is the first truly inclusive trekking in Italy.

We are certain that three minutes will be needed to register and vote they will not take anything away from your day, but they mean a great deal to us. Many people have already successfully voted. As said, it will be a duel on the last vote and what will make the difference will be YOUR VOTE.


The procedure is not very intuitive but you can do it, maybe with the help of Google Translate.
1. Register here
2. Check your email, including Spam folder and activate the account, by clicking the link.
3. Log in
4. Go here
And click on the + button where it says ESPRIMI LA TUA VALUTAZIONE (only + symbol on mobile)
5. Click on 5 stars
N.B. some issues may arise with smartphones: if possible, use your pc.
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