
PRO RETINA Deutschland e.V.

PRO RETINA Deutschland e. V.. was founded in 1977 as "German Retinitis Pigmentosa Association" for those affected and their families with the…

Friday December 4th, 2015

TREATRUSH – Fighting blindness of Usher Syndrome

TREATRUSH (TreatRetUsher) is the name of a European research network, which aims at treating and fighting the blindness caused by…

Friday December 4th, 2015

VSA, the international organization on arts and disability,

VSA, the international organization on arts and disability, was founded more than 35 years ago by Ambassador Jean Kennedy Smith…

Tuesday December 1st, 2015

Foundation Fighting Blindness

The urgent mission of the Foundation Fighting Blindness, Inc. is to drive the research that will provide preventions, treatments and…

Tuesday December 1st, 2015


Founded over 30 years ago, Deafblind International (DbI) is the world association promoting services for deafblind people. DbI brings together…

Tuesday December 1st, 2015


Sense is the leading national charity that supports and campaigns for children and adults who are deafblind. We provide expert…

Tuesday December 1st, 2015

Hear the World

Hear the World raises awareness about the importance of hearing, educates the public about the consequences of hearing loss and informs…

Tuesday December 1st, 2015