#yellow the world

#YellowTheWorld is a campaign to raise awareness on accessibility and to promote the mobility of visually impaired and blind.

The hashtag can be explained with “Let´s paint the world with  yellow“. An easy way to make the spaces, the environments, the cities more visible to people with visual disabilities, facilitating their mobility. Yellow, when used in contrast with the black and gray of urban elements, allows better identification of steps and other obstacles.

The symbol of the campaign is a yellow thumb, used to tag the places that have something positive in terms of accessibility.
The world map of this website 9visible only on desktop) collects some of the positive and even negative situations experienced in different locations around the world.
Over the years #YellowTheWorld has turned from a purely media campaign into concrete activities and actions that have made possible new experiences.

Click here to see the completed projects

Read the stories of other users and tell us about yours, adding it to the map. You can download and print your yellow thumb and help to paint the world yellow.