Press Review

Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB) 
Living with Usher syndrome: Dario’s story
October 2022

Institute of Molecular and Clinical Ophthalmology Basel (IOB) 
Identifying diseases, developing therapies, reigniting hope
July 2022

COSMO Radio (German)
Mit Tunnelblick in die Todeszone 
– Podcast und Artikel (No longer available)
June 2018

Sehbehinderter Weltenbummler: Die Welt gelb anmalen
Weltenbummler mit Sehbehinderung
Schritt für Schritt durchs Himalaya
Dario Sorgato ist ein Weltenbummler. Und ein “Träumer”, wie er sagt. Selbst stark sehbehindert, setzt er sich mit seiner Kampagne #YellowTheWorld für Barrierefreiheit ein – und läuft dafür bis zum Everest Base Camp.
April 2018

Blacklane Blog
A yellow man in a Blacklane world
April 2018

FluxFM – Die Alternative im Radio
On air on 8th March 2018

Publications of the Blind Society, associations of blind and visually impaired in Iceland
9th year 2. tbl. 2017
Gulum Reykjavik: project on improving accessibility for visually impaired people.

Usher Syndrome Coalition
What does it mean to be a traveler with Usher Syndrome?
by Dario Sorgato

Dario Sorgato was born in northeast Italy in 1978. He was diagnosed with Usher Syndrome Type II at the age of 16. He studied Design and worked as Interior Designer in Milan. His hunger for travelling made him quit the job several times to travel to Australia first and on board of the ship Heraclitus in 2008. He is currently living and working in Berlin start-up scene and he spends most of his free time on NoisyVision projects and planning his future journeys. He is a passionate storyteller and loves writing as much as travelling. He published two books and several short stories.

The Kathmandu Post
Raging against the dying of light