Communication forms a way to social inclusion


Communication forms a way to social inclusion

Sight undoubtedly plays an essential role in everyday communication. Observation of the facial expressions, gestures and postures during conversation provides a lot of information (around 55 percent of meaning is communicated through the body language). Moreover, making eye contact while talking with relatives, friends, co-workers or just a stranger met on the street, greatly facilitates establishing relationships.

The lack of visual aspects during a conversation is a challenge for a large and growing number of people with low vision. Difficulties in communication may result in withdrawal of active participation in social life. In this regard, there are few aspects, which could help improving interactions of people struggling with these conditions.

Communication of visually impaired people rely primarily on auditory cues. Therefore, while talking with them, it is important to provide all necessary information for recognition and description in a verbal way. Some of the helpful practices are: stating own’s name and relation to the person, speaking directly to the individual, giving specific directions and a clear word picture when describing surroundings (such as color, texture, shape and landmarks). Additionally, fostering social inclusion is a way to connect people struggling with visual impairment with their communities. Organization and promotion of inclusive cultural initiatives enhance the possibility of experiencing social life and creating relationships. These activities can include: tactile art exhibits, audio-described theater performances and community programs. It is also essential to provide proper education and raise social awareness about these kind of conditions to reduce stigma and stereotypes.

All of these activities may help in forming a path to social inclusion for people struggling with visual impairments.

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