Berlin, Budapest, Barcelona, Helsinki. The Visionary Dream does not end!


After the workshop held in Berlin in May 2013, we moved a few steps forward to grow the Visionary Dream.

A few participants met in Budapest in September 2013, then we presented the workshop and its results at the biannual meeting of Eurocities – Working group “Barrier-free City for All”, in Barcelona,in March 2014.

And now, in a couple of weeks we will be in Helsinki.

Little by little we are moving the Visionary Dream all over Europe, as the name itself is aiming for.

What are we trying to do?

We believe in the value of creating spaces to meet and exchange and at the same time have a concrete outcome.

We want to propose the format of this workshop and invite other cities to help us organize this.

The idea would be to mix other figures, like architects and designers including normal sighted people to create ideas and come up with recommendations which are realistic and can be proposed to investors,

Aims and objectives:

Policy recommendations
Help on how to make changes and raise awareness
To learn how limits can be a potential
How European diversity affects the attitude and approach towards disability
The participants will have gained new knowledge on how to increase their mobility in everyday life
The participants will have learned new creative problem solving methods

Download the full concept here

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