New clinical and molecular evidence linking mutations in ARSG to Usher syndrome type IV (USH4)

Source: WileyOnline Library Virginie G. Peter,Mathieu Quinodoz,Silvia Sadio,Sebastian Held,Márcia Rodrigues,Marta Soares,Ana Berta Sousa,Luisa Coutinho Santos,Markus Damme,Carlo Rivolta Abstract  In murine and canine animal models, mutations in the Arylsulfatase G gene (ARSG) cause a particular lysosomal storage disorder characterized by neurological phenotypes.

USH2A Clinical Trial Webinar, presented by ProQR

The content in this page is take from the Usher Syndrome Coalition website and it is of their property. We are authorized to reproduce this content on our website) February 7, 2022: ProQR and the Usher Syndrome Coalition hosted a webinar about the newly announced clinical trials, “Sirius” and “Celeste,” for individuals with Usher syndrome type 2A (USH2A).